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What are the Properties of Nickel?

C. Daw
C. Daw

When discussing the properties of nickel, various aspects have to be considered along with its chemical properties. Even though nickel can be found on most chemistry charts, this does relate to the properties of it used within the modern world. The chemical number for this substance is 28, but to truly understand its properties, a more in depth examination has to performed. This chemical is mixed in various amounts throughout common items that are used in different areas of the world, and since it forms into many complex compounds and is bivalent, the properties of it as a mixed chemical also need to be considered.

The chemical properties of nickel are common aspects of the properties of nickel that are analyzed during all aspects of its use. The density of this chemical at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit) is 8.9 g. cm -3, the melting point is 1453 degrees Celsius (2647 degrees Fahrenheit), and the boiling point is 2913 degrees Celsius (5275 degrees Fahrenheit). These are the most important properties that are considered when nickel is used, whether in a mixture or not.

Scientist with beakers
Scientist with beakers

Nickel is a silvery-white, hard metal that was discovered by Alex Constedt in 1751, who scientifically discovered all of the chemical properties of nickel. It is a fairly good conductor of electricity and heat, which makes it usable as a conductor in many applications. Nickel also dissolves slowly when placed in dilute acids, making it a chemical that can be formed into more complex compounds. Another benefit that it contains is that when it is finely divided it will absorb hydrogen. This ductile metal is placed in the group with iron, and as such it has many uses in the world.

The main properties of nickel allow this metal to be used in the process of manufacturing various metals and alloys, which are used throughout the world. Stainless steel is the most common metal that nickel is used to make. Alloys also require the use of nickel, as do batteries, plating, catalysts, coins, and foundry items. Since nickel is so fire resistant, it is even used in applications such as rocket engines and gas turbines. The properties of nickel allow this chemical to be versatile not only in the chemical world, but in the real world as well.

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