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What is Electrical Mechanical Energy?

Carol Francois
Carol Francois

Electrical mechanical energy can be created in one of two ways: with an electrical generator or a motor. The term electrical generator is used to describe a range of devices that convert mechanical energy into electricity. A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical, which is the opposite process to the electrical generator. The energy can be used for a variety of purposes, ranging from a large electrical generating station to the motor of an electric car.

It is important to note that there is no such thing as free energy. All energy must be created from something, and must use up a resource. Some type of device is required to translate the energy from one form to another. For example, solar energy requires the use of the solar panels to capture the sun's rays and convert the heat into electrical energy. This rule applies to electrical mechanical energy as well.

Electrical mechanical energy is often created using a wind turbine.
Electrical mechanical energy is often created using a wind turbine.

An electrical generator uses electromagnetic induction to convert energy from mechanical to electrical. Mechanical energy is created by a wind turbine, hand crank, or turbine steam engine. The generator is designed to absorb the energy as it is created by the mechanical fixture. The mechanical energy moves the turbine blades, typically against the direction of the magnetic force. This movement generates electromagnetic energy.

On traditional automotive engines, alternators charge a vehicle's battery and supply its electrical system with power.
On traditional automotive engines, alternators charge a vehicle's battery and supply its electrical system with power.

The motor is used to convert electrical into mechanical energy. The electrical energy is received by the motor, which then creates mechanical energy by moving the rotor. This process is the exact opposite of mechanical energy, but has many of the same elements.

Both a generator or motor have a rotor and a stator. A rotor is the actual rotating part of any alternator, generator, or motor. The stator is the stationary part that holds the rotor in place. The armature actually generates electrical current within the generator and is built into either the rotor or the stator. The magnetic field is created by a magnet mounted onto the rotor or the stator.

An automobile engine's alternator essentially serves as an electric generator.
An automobile engine's alternator essentially serves as an electric generator.

Electrical mechanical energy is a common source of power for large power stations and other mechanical equipment. Electrical power is in high demand, and this continual demand requires the development of new, more efficient ways of harnessing the results of electrical mechanical energy generation. High voltage energy cannot be stored, but must be available upon demand. A career in electrical or mechanical engineering is centered around the use of this energy in a variety of devises. Positions are available in electrical power generation stations, transformer stations, and related facilities.

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Discussion Comments


Has anyone heard of the wind car that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy? The car supposedly uses wind power to run two electric motors. Is it some sort of electric hybrid? How does the automobile work? I think something like this could be a very interesting prospect for the future of the automobile.


@highlighter- As good as that sounds, it would be hard to get people to ditch their automobiles. The Auto industry has been a cornerstone American industry for about a century.

I believe that the best way to reform energy is to decentralize energy and have a big push for renewable energy at the home level. Promote different types of renewable energy that can be used closer to the consumer so that you increase efficiency and flexibility of the grid. Improve building codes, give bigger incentives for renewable energy technology, and give more grants and loans for community energy projects. These are just my opinions, but like you, I recognize that something must be done about energy consumption.


shouldn't conservation of energy be just as important as finding new sources of electrical mechanical energy? It seems like everyone always talks of finding more energy, but everywhere you look, energy is constantly being wasted.

Take for example the automobile. Everyone is concerned with gas prices and peak oil, so they are looking for alternate fuels to power one of the most inefficient forms of transportation. Moving one person around in a five thousand pound transporter is a horrible foundation for a national transportation network. Instead of focusing on such an automobile centric economy, people should focus more on bringing things to people and improving mass transit.

I have traveled extensively, and I have seen much more efficient means of moving people than the single occupant automobile. The key in these places was that the automobile was not the center of planning.

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