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What is Gene Regulation?

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Gene regulation is a process in which a cell determines which genes it will express and when. There are a number of reasons why organisms from unicellular animals to blue whales engage in this process, and the regulation of genes is a topic of interest for some researchers who are interested in learning more about how the process works and what happens when it goes wrong.

One of the easiest ways to illustrate gene regulation is to talk about it in humans. Every cell in the human body contains a complete copy of that person's DNA, with tens of thousands of potentially viable genes. All of these genes cannot be expressed at once, so cells must decide which genes to turn on and which genes to turn off. For example, a skin cell turns on the genes that make it a skin cell, while a bone cell would leave these genes turned off. Neither of these cells would need the genes that allow a cell to differentiate into a neuron, so these genes would be left off as well.

When an injury occurs, cells may activate new genes to perform repair.
When an injury occurs, cells may activate new genes to perform repair.

In addition to being useful for cell differentiation, gene regulation is also valuable for cell function. As a cell moves through its life, it has different needs and functions, which can be addressed with the use of this process to determine which genes are expressed and when. Likewise, cells can adapt to environmental changes, such as an injury which requires repair by activating new genes. For the cell, gene regulation can be accomplished in a number of different ways, with one of the most common simply being regulation of the rate at which RNA transcription occurs. Genes can also be deactivated by changing the structure of the DNA in an individual cell to turn them off or on.

Gene regulation is a process in which a cell determines which genes it will express and when.
Gene regulation is a process in which a cell determines which genes it will express and when.

Unicellular organisms also use this process to regulate their functions and activity. These organisms must be able to adapt genetic material quickly to adjust to changing circumstances and new environments, since the failure to do so will cause not only death of the cell, but death of the organism itself. Gene regulation allows such organisms to do things that will allow them to fit into hostile and extreme environments and to adapt to changes, such as the introduction of antibiotics into their environment.

There are potential therapeutic applications for the process as well. By knowing which genes are involved in a cancer or genetic condition, for example, it is theoretically possible to turn these genes off so that they cannot be active in the body.

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a AllTheScience researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a AllTheScience researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

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Discussion Comments


Gene therapy cannot be 'bad' or 'good.'

The previous commenters have confused gene regulation and gene therapy. Gene regulation is a natural process that cells use to adapt. Gene therapy is an external process that uses the fact that gene regulation is happening and encourages or discourages various expressions.

Please reread the article to understand this better.


I believe that gene regulation isn't a good thing because the next step is picking your child's genes and who wants to know exactly what your child is going to look like and ruin the surprise and joy?


Gene regulation is, in fact, a "bad" idea. When you look at genetically engineered organisms, the cells of the plants have these gene regulators in them. The scientists CAN pick and choose the characteristics they want to show. Picking your children's characteristics is the next step.


@sherlock87, a related question is of course that of designer children- not cloning exactly, but picking and choosing which genes you want for your child in order to get the "best" gene sequence in terms of not only disease prevention but appearance, strength, and so on. While most people might not want to do that, it is still a creepy thought.


I think that gene regulation has good possibilities for avoiding diseases that are caused by specific human genes. However, I wonder if this is a bad idea because in the future it might lead to too many people who are carriers of the disease, who otherwise might have been phased out through people with these genes avoiding having children. I suppose it's a hard question either way you look at it.

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