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What is Hassium?

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Hassium is a metallic chemical element in the transactinide group on the periodic table of elements, placing it among the heaviest of known elements. Like other transactinides, hassium can also be produced synthetically, by bombarding other elements in a linear accelerator. Because synthetic production of elements is expensive and time consuming, it should come as no surprise to learn that there are no commercial uses for this element.

The chemical properties of this element are not very well known, because so far the only isotopes which have been produced have been too short lived to study. Hassium isotopes exist for a few milliseconds at a time before decaying; like other transactinides, hassium is extremely unstable. Hassium is also classified as a transuranic element, joining other elements with an atomic number higher than that of uranium. Transuranic elements share the trait of radioactivity.

The atomic number of Hassium is 108, and it is identified with the symbol Hs on the periodic table of elements.
The atomic number of Hassium is 108, and it is identified with the symbol Hs on the periodic table of elements.

The atomic number of this element is 108, and it is identified with the symbol Hs on the periodic table of elements. It presumably shares chemical traits with other transactinide elements, but given that only small amounts of it have been produced, it is hard to pin down the specifics of this element. Like other transactinides, hassium is primarily used in scientific research, in the hopes of learning more about it and other heavy elements.

Credit for the discovery of this element is generally given to the German researchers Peter Armbruster and Gottfried Munzenburg, who found a hassium isotope by bombarding lead in Darmstadt, Germany. This discovery occurred in 1984; the men proposed “hassium” as a name in a reference to the Latin name for the German state where the element was discovered.

Initially, hassium was named unniloctium by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), until the discovery could be confirmed and credited. These transitional names are common to many of the transactinide elements. The IUPAC then proposed “hahnium” as a name for the element, but by 1997 element 108 was generally known as hassium, and the name stuck.

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a AllTheScience researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a AllTheScience researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

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Discussion Comments


Hassium is not used for anything because it is radioactive. You could die or worse if you used it.


Hassium has no known uses so you could say it could be used for many things but we just don't know yet. So it's a DIY thing you could put down for "selling it".


What the heck is it used for? I have to make a villain or hero on hassium and list four things it is used for.


is this thing available in plenty? How much does it cost?


why is there hassium?


hey I know hassium isn't used for anything but my wacky teacher says it must be used for something. Are there any solid things instead of isotopes that hassium is used for?


what is the difference between hassium and other elements in periodic table?


i need some facts on my caesium and is that true is it really used for jewelry because that's what I'm going to put down. ughh i need help.


How would it be used in jewelry?


it is used for jewelry.


what is hassium used for? i have a project that i have to create advertisement and sell hassium... but i don't know what hassium is used for and i can't change my element.

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    • The atomic number of Hassium is 108, and it is identified with the symbol Hs on the periodic table of elements.
      By: jelena zaric
      The atomic number of Hassium is 108, and it is identified with the symbol Hs on the periodic table of elements.