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What is a Geologic Map?

Nat Robinson
Nat Robinson

A geologic map is a specially detailed map that depicts the distribution of rocks and geological features of a given region. These maps are drawn as if all soil and vegetation were removed from the area. The age and relationships of dispersed rock sediments and surface deposits usually are shown on geologic maps. The features presented on a geologic map make them unique.

Geological maps generally are printed on top of base maps, which usually are regular topographical maps. They are printed this way to help a user locate familiar areas. A geologic map typically is distinguished from a regular map by its use of numerous colors and details. Vibrant and differential colors are used to highlight the diverse rock sediments and geologic features of a particular region. The different colors also are used to provide diversity from the traditional colors of a regular map.

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Man holding a globe

These informational maps usually are designed to illustrate the unique and varying elements of rock and geologic features. Details such as the location of faults, folds, and other natural structures typically are shown throughout a geologic map. These maps can serve as premiere tools for solving inquires about the earth's environments, hazards, and resources. The depth of information shown on these types of maps can make them very useful in land planning, as well. Ideas on new locations to excavate land for transportation systems and buildings typically can be identified by a geologic map.

A geologic map may aid in predicting earth-changing scenarios, as well. Events such as where earthquakes may take place, the likelihood of landslides, and the availability of water from wells may be predicted by geological maps. They also can help locate groundwater aquifers. These maps also may help explain the appearance of certain landscapes.

Another benefit of a geologic map can be how it displays the physical context of earth materials. Physical contexts such as shape, depth, and size of geological features usually are shown on such maps. Once this information is obtained, it can be combined with results of scientific research. It is this collaboration which can help to analyze important geologic, geographic, and environmental issues. For the most part, geologic maps are an important tool in analyzing environmental liabilities and possible natural hazards.

Pollution operations, such as landfills, may be located by a geologic map. Additionally, studies from such information can show what areas are most affected by such operations. Other information shown by these maps can help locate mineral resources and help in understanding why certain plants and vegetation grow best in particular locations.

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